estate planning workshop

The online program where you gain the confidence about what you need to know and walk through what you need to do so you have an effective estate plan that makes things easy for those you love.

The Estate Plan Workshop Teaches You

How assets move after death

The reality is that how you own your assets and how they transfer will determine if your plan happens, WHETHER OR NOT you have good legal documents. You can not set up a manageable to-do list without understanding this reality. I’ll walk you though this important, but easy to understand concept that is the basis for any effective estate plan.

Steps to leave a manageable plan

The people who leave behind a manageable to-do list for their loved ones took common steps in their planning. I’ll walk you through each necessary step.

How to ensure you get a personalized plan

Leaving behind a manageable to-do list take more than documents, it takes a strategy – like knowing if you should have a trust or not. You can only get a personalized strategy through a local attorney licensed in your state. I’ll give you tips on how to locate an attorney who will bring you incredible value.

Steps to take to ensure your plan goes into action

A manageable to-do list takes a strategy and good documents to set up the strategy. But the strategy won’t happen unless you’re financially organized. I’ll walk you through the organization process and teach you how to keep your finances organized.

In Your Organized (after)Life Workshop you’ll learn the information you need to be a knowledgeable consumer, to confidently get an estate plan in place and know what you need to continue to do so your plan happens.

You can avoid a mess.

Leaving a mess matters because it gets in the way of people carrying on the things that are important about you.

And you’re not the kind of person to leave things to chance. If you’re going to go to the effort – and expense – of getting a will or a trust, you want to know that you’re doing it the right way.

You want to know that it’s going to work.

You can get documents lots of places, but the reality is that people with legal documents still leave a mess. An effective estate plan minimizes the legal to-do list you’ll leave. That takes more than documents.

That’s a strategy.

Documents are important. They set up the plan. But you also need to understand what you have and coordinate your assets to follow your plan. That means you need to know how this works and do more than sign documents.

Let's talk about the numbers.

Probate fees and death taxes can be thousands of dollars AND MORE without proper planning, even for regular people who don't feel wealthy. Dying is a legally expensive matter, costing money that your loved ones may not have or have access to.

A proper estate plan is an investment.

You can find lots of document providers offering to give you documents at minimal prices. But, I know after walking hundreds of families through the legal issues after the death of a loved one that you get what you pay for. I've also seen very expensive plans not really amount to much real benefit. How little or how much you pay is no guarantee of avoiding a mess.

Before you invest in an estate plan, invest in yourself to make sure your plan will work.

Documents are important. Unfortunately, I've also seen great estate plans not properly implemented, costing family members thousands in fees that could have been avoided or EVEN WORSE, assets ending up where they weren't intended.

Since you need to do more than sign documents, you need to understand how this works. Having an effective estate planning is up to you. To have a plan that will work, you need to invest in yourself.

Real Testimonials

See what students say about Your Organized (after)Life Workshop

Pam S.


"Every adult, no matter their age, can benefit from it. Don't put it off, you never know what tomorrow will bring."

"I recommend this workshop to anyone wanting to sleep better at night."

Louisa H.


"Thank you for an amazing, valuable, much needed course!"

"I took your course to help my mother "get things in order" but I learned I have just as much responsibility to have my own things in order.. people wait too long."

Linda S.


"I am confident that I've completed the necessary financial organization and that gives me peace of mind."

"Jen demystified the process by providing clear explanations in her easy-going manner and organized the course in manageable steps so as not to overwhelm."

Mike S.


"I want my family members to take this!"

Go from confusion to clarity and confidence about the legal issues we’ll all face.

Your family can avoid this burden, but it’s up to you. Are you ready?

Any Questions?

Here's what other students wanted to know before enrolling.

I have a will. Isn't that enough?

Leaving a manageable to-do list isn’t just about documents. As a probate attorney, I see people with legal documents leave legal messes all the time. Documents are important, they set up the plan. But it also takes financial organization – knowing what you have and coordinating your assets – to make sure your plan actually happens. If you already have legal documents, like a will or a trust, I’ll teach you the strategy behind the documents, help you understand how to coordinate your assets to follow the plan, and I’ll show you when you should meet with an attorney for an update.

If I should work with an attorney, why should I know how this works?

You should work with a licensed – AND KNOWLEDGABLE – professional to get a personalized strategy and documents that put that strategy in place. But if you’re going go the the effort and expense of getting good estate planning documents, you should make sure they’re going to work. You’ll discover the crucial steps to take outside of their office to know that the great plan will actually happen.

How long is the course and how long do I have access?

The course is two and a half hours of instruction over eight sessions. You can easily complete this homework within eight weeks, but life gets in the way. You have access to the video course for 90 days. Why not lifetime access? Because having an effective estate plan has been on your to-do list for long enough. You have a goal and the incentive to finally set up a manageable to-do list. Your access to the instruction is limited, but you have downloadable reference materials that are yours for future reference.

How do I get started?

Simply enroll. You'll create a student account. I'll send you an email with next steps and periodically send you encouragement so you finally check this off your to do list. More importantly, rather than thinking you have peace of mind and hoping you have an effective plan, you will know you do and you'll know what you need to do in the future to avoid a mess.

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Estate Planning Online Workshop

DISCLAIMER: Organized (after)LifeTM, Your Organized (after)LifeTM Workshop, Good Legacy and all related content are for educational purposes only. No attorney-client relationship is established here, on the podcast, or in the workshop. If you are contemplating a will, trust or any other form of estate planning you should contact a licensed attorney in your state of residence.